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I am Annalisa, born in 1974 and raised on the beautiful Lake Maggiore.

My path both of study and life has been varied and often unpredictable. I've always been clear about what I wanted to be but I saw it more as a dream than as a real possibility. I didn't love myself enough to believe I could really realize what I wanted. Yet, despite the paths taken have often been the most tortuous ones, even when I was not aware about where I was heading to, I was taking a step forward along my professional and personal path. So much effort, so many falls, yet always an inner spark that never died ... And my “parachute": physical activity.


A very dear person told me many years ago  "what physical activity gives you is just yours, it does not depend on anything external to you". At the time I was 20, I trusted him and from that moment on physical activity “saved my life”.


Physical training has become my anchor taking different forms over the years. Whatever happened around me,  I clung to the incredibly positive sensations and the powerful sense of control that exercise gives.


Even my course of study was not obvious: after graduation I found myself in front of a personal university choice: Sport Science or Psychology. Although Sport Science was the gateway to my dream, I still didn't feel ready to do so. I chose the latter, more for a personal need. This choice turned out to be incredibly enriching and it opened my mind, being useful also for the subsequent studies and experience related to fitness giving me a 360 degree foundation.


After graduation, I qualified as Aquafitness Trainer and started working in Switzerland to support myself economically while I was doing  free internships as a psychologist.

This first qualification and job as fitness trainer gave me that “boost” of self-confidence making me think “Hey, I'm able to do it after all!”.

Because yes: transforming my" parachute "into my work was what I dreamed of.


I started dreaming about it at 7-8 years old when after school I joined my mom who loved the gym and I found myself among these women in leggings and colorful leg warmers - the 80s - and I feel the beauty of music and movement , of women full energy,  this energy that touched me even though I was just sitting and observing them with a book in my hand.

My entry into the world of aquatic fitness was the beginning, and after a few years my expat life also began and still continues today, from Italy to Singapore, then  Switzerland and now Sweden.


In Singapore I seriously approached fitness. 

Incredible experiences that taught me so much.


From that moment on, the qualifications taken have been many.

I am now Master Trainer for the Swiss Federation of Sport, a qualified Personal Coach and Trainer specialized in women's health and fitness. 

My first son, Kyle was born in Singapore changing my life in a deep way. My work became even more perfect in my eyes because it allows me build it around my family life and personal needs.


In Sweden, in addition to the arrival of my second son at 44, Martino, I threw myself into what has been one of my most transforming work experiences, a online platform totally oriented on female self-care, Powerfulgrace Club. 


This experience helped me to learn about the potential of online work in the fitness field: being able to reach large numbers of women, unite them even if physically distant empower them as a Coach despite the non-physical proximity. A new world for me.


These years of women's coaching and my personal life experiences have generated many awarenesses: women always have so much on their shoulders and they are often struggling to keep a balance being workers, parents, companions in a society that doesn't help them to feel free to take care of themselves without having to ask permission or feel guilty if they don't.


Studio Beyond40 is the natural consequence to everything I've learned, like having finally found the road that takes me home after wandering around for a long time.

I choose to inspire women who are exactly like me now and from now on: in a wonderful age that needs to be rediscovered and re-evaluated for all the potential it really has.

Like teenaging, the “over 40” age is a flexible and malleable phase, due to the physiological and hormonal changes that gradually occur and for our emotional world that is transformed.


Making this moment a full evolution  is my goal, for myself and for those who decide to undertake this path of self-care. 



Degree in Psychology (Italy)



  • FISAF International certified Fitness Leader and Personal Trainer (Singapore)

  • FIT certified pre and post partum clients (Singapore)

  • ISSA International  certified Weight managing Specialist (US)

  • Menopause Movement certified Coach for peri-menopause and menopause clients (UK)

  • GirlsGoStrong educational modules focused on women's training (US)

  • MET (Movement Efficiency Training) Marceel Dane training course part 1 and 2 (Singapore)



  • IFA (swiss federal qualification) Aquatic Fitness Trainer (CH)

  • ESA (swiss federation of sport) Expert and MasterTrainer in aquatic fitness

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